Baratza Sette 270

The mouthfeel and flavour clarity of espresso pulled on the Sette outclasses other home espresso grinders. The density of features offered by the Sette makes dialing in espresso simple and hassle-free. Thirty steps of macro-adjustment and a fully stepless microadjustment system gives the user has a near infinite number of grind settings to allow for the best, most precise dial-in on any Baratza grinder. This allows room for even the most attentive taster to explore delicate layers of sweetness, acidity, and body for all types of espresso from classic Italian dark roasts to Nordic light roasts.

We love Baratza! Any one of these grinders will likely be the last grinder you'll ever need to purchase. Every part of every grinder is repairable/replaceable and the burrs are replaceable. We keep a stock of common parts at our shop for quick-fixes. 

Dropship available. Out of Stock orders will be drop-shipped and typically arrive within a week. 

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Baratza Sette 270
Baratza Sette 270
$579.00 CAD